Melissa’s Story

I am Melissa Pillay (27) from KNZ. I am a mum to two cleft cuties Rodrick (6) & Melisha (2) .

I found out I was pregnant on 12 May 2015. At 5 months I went for an ultrasound, I found out that I was having a baby boy and his due date was my husbands birthday. The Doctor told us that all is well and our baby is healthy.

On the 5th of January I went into labour and at 2am my bubbling baby boy was born. The Doctor told us that our little boy had a cleft lip & palate. I was surprised as I did not know what a cleft is. I thought that life is over, but the Doctors reassured me that it is now. I searched on Google and to my surprise I was happy and embraced having a cleft baby. Even though people looked at him funny, I was never ashamed of him.

At 5 months we went to Albert Luthi Central Hospital where Prof Anil Madree told me all about the operations that my baby boy needed.

The operation was set for 6 May. I was emotional, seeing my baby hungry and rolling away to go into surgery. I had so many emotions running though my head when he was in surgery. Feeding after the surgery was new to me, but today I can say I made it through. At 11 month we went for the palate surgery which was slightly more emotional.

After 4 years on 28 Jan 2020 I fell pregnant again. The ultrasound revealed that I was pregnant with a baby girl & that she also has a cleft lip and palate. I was worried at first, but I reminded myself that I have walked this journey before. She was born 10 days early on 20 May, she spent 3 days in nursery.

She was so beautiful! She also had her operations at the same hospital and by the same Doctor as her brother. We had the lip done when she was 6 months old & the palate at 1 year 1 month, I was less worried as I knew what was to come.

Then came Cleft Friends and Smile foundation I knew I had support and people to talk to & I was not alone in my journey. Cleft Friends group chats really helped me. My dream is for my kids to never give up & to dream big! You are special!” – Melissa Pillay, Durban

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