Lana shows us that anything is possible.
Lana was born in Gauteng with a bilateral cleft lip and palate and Goldenhar Syndrome in 2010.
In 2020-2021 she did not dance due to two bone graft operations.
In June 2022 after a recovery period of two and a half years, she made a comeback at the Izigi Rthymn Competition.
In September 2022 she will be dancing for her SA colours again at IFAA.
Here are a few of her achievements.
Ā 2017 Dance Achievement-SA colours, ADA, Hip-hop.
Ā 2018 SA colours: ADA: Contemporary (with Special Award) and Hip-Hop
Ā 2019 SA colours. ADA Hip-Hop, Modern. Contemporary (with Special Award) and Ballet (Ultimate Gold)
Ā 2019 IFAA SA Colours Contemporary and Hip-Hop (Diamond Team) Modern and Ballet.