Ella before op

“I was also sweating bullets knowing she would want a bottle and it would be hellish but she charmed all the nurses instead and was a happy little chappy! Sometimes we underestimate them and their incredible strength & resilience 😇” Candy – KZN, daughter born with unilateral cleft lip and palate. This was Candy’s comment about her baby not being allowed her bottle before her cleft lip surgery. Isn’t her daughter Ella just adorable?!

Ella 2 years after op

If you or your loved one is cleft affected feel free to email your photo and story to us at We want to share encouraging stories and create awareness about cleft lip and palate in South Africa. You are not alone!

#cleftfriends #smilefoundationsa #closingthegap #youarenotalone #cleftlip #cleftpalate #cleftstrong #cleftmomsSA #cleftcourage #resilience

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